appliancecommon namebusnotelocation
GeneratorAir filter2006 460Baldwin PA1690FN, Donaldson P181050, Fleetguard AF435KM, NAPA 2276,Wix 42276
GeneratorAir filter2005 297Donaldson P181050
GeneratorFan Belt2006 460Gates 6842 ( 1/2" x 42" ) , NAPA 6415
GeneratorFuel filter2006 460"
Generatoroil filter2006 460Fleetguard LF3487, NAPA 1068 or 1515, Wix 51068 or 51515[slightly longer than 51068, otherwise essentially the same (burst pressure is 15psi HIGHER)]
GeneratorAlternator2006 460Denso 101211-1031, Kubota 16404-64013 (searching for Kubota part # offered cheaper part prices)
GeneratorGenset Airbags2006 460Goodyear 1S3-013
Air BrakePressure Protection Valve 2006 460PPV 0522508 (BB part #) is the same as the Haldex KN31000
Air Filter2006 460NAPA 500116, Racor 400820001, Wix WA10116, factory #(?) WL3831336--- ** dimensionally NAPA/Wix are the same as the Racor, though Wix does not currently show it as a replacement***
Caterpillar engineAir Filter2005 297NAPA Gold air filter for the Bird. NAPA #500116
Caterpillar engineAir FilterReidAir Farr ECO filter 11x24 400820001
Caterpillar engineAir Filter2006 451Wix ECO series 546893
Caterpillar engineAir Filter2005 GorisParker Racor FILTER ECO-LL 11" X 24" $131.04
Air BrakeAir dryer cartridge2006 460Bendix (By compressor) 5013672
Caterpillar engineFan Belt2006 460Cat 253-4012 (longer/wider) & 178-8481 (shorter/narrower), Gates K120975HD & K080893HD
Caterpillar engineFan BeltReidCat- 253-4012 = 97.44 in x 12 rib or Carquest or Napa K120975HD Green back belt Cat - 178-8481 = 89.57 in x 8 rib or Carquest or Napa K080893HD Green back belt
Caterpillar engineFuel filter2006 460 Cat 1R0749, NAPA 3674, Wix 33674, factory #(?) WL3804655
Caterpillar engineFuel Water Separator2006 451Racore R120P
Caterpillar engineFuel Water Separator2006 460NAPA 3406, Wix 33406 (if needed 33407 is the same filter only shorter)
Caterpillar engineOil Filter2006 460Cat 1R1808, NAPA 7792, Wix 57792, factory #(?) WL3831328 OR smaller oil filter1R0749 Wix 51794
Allison TransmissionTransmission filter2006 460 Allison 29558329, Napa FIL 7740XE, Wix 57740XE (all include gaskets)
Wabasto HeaterFuel Filter spin onReid(1) Napa 3107 or Carquest 86107 or Fleetgard FF104 or Wabasto 50W-90001in rear passenger wheel well tucked forward of drive tire behind fender
Wabasto HeaterFuel Filter InlineReidinline Napa 6021
SuspensionDrive 4 Airbag2005 250firestone 9459 ;Torque Heavy Duty Air Spring TR9459
fan driveFan Pump2005 250c-13 hydrostatic Eaton 421AK00106A 23C04UF1054 ADU062RO5AA10A431400001001__CD0A LARGE A
Interiorcloset door pull2006 464Sugatsune FH-100AM-00
batteryrotary disconnect switch2007 ReidKissling 35-555, Battery Disconnect Switch
Axlefront brake pads2005 DanSMeritor part numbers PADS KIT225020 DX-PADKIT-MA705
Axlefront brake ROTOR2005 DanSROTOR 23123615002 ( OLD NUMBER 23123615096)
Axlefront Caliper2005 DanSCALIPER DX225211001K
AxleDrive Tag Caliper205 DanSDRIVE & TAG DX225211002K
Caterpillar EngineStarter option2006 JeffBoption lighter high torque starter
Caterpillar EngineAir Compressor Governor2005 DanSNapa KN18530 D-2 style 100-125 lb
Caterpillar engineOil Filter2005 DanSBaldwin B7299 Wix 51792XE Fleetguard LF691A Cat 1R1808
Caterpillar engineSecondary Oil filter2005 DanSBaldwin B7577 Wix 51749MP FleetGuard LF777 Cat 1w8845
Fan DriveHydraulic Filter Spin-On filter2005 DanSBaldwin Wix Fleetguard HF7556 Motion Ind. ZAB-10L, Zinga ZAE-10L
Fan DriveHydraulic Filter Element filter2005 DanSBaldwin P528 Wix 51637 Fleetguard LF637 Nelson 84148A
Caterpillar enginePrimary Fuel filter2005 DanSBaldwin BF1281 Wix 33774 Fleetguard FS19754 Racor R120P
Caterpillar engineSecondary Fuel filter2005 DanSBaldwin BF7587 Wix 33674MP Fleetguard FF5319 Cat 1R0749
AllisonTransmission filter2005 DanSBaldwin PT9415 MPG-KIT Wix 7740XE Fleetguard HF28943 NAPA 7740XE
Caterpillar Engine Air filter2005 DanSBaldwin PA4860 Wix 42817 Prkr Hanifn 400820-001 NAPA 6893
AirAD9 filter2005 DanSBaldwin BA5377 Wix Bendix 107796
Axle SuspensionFront Shocks2006 464two of Koni 9044-1005 $270 each
Axle SuspensionRear Shocks2006 4644 of Koni 8844-1006 $199
Caterpillar EngineAlternator oem2006 Ple24vdc 140 amp Bluebird 0080458 Prestolite 1277830
Stabilizer levelerBig Foot Limit Switch2005 2982005 Normaly closed Ball switch M49000 Quadra Manufacturing In White Pigeon Mi 269 483 9633
Caterpillar EngineVoltage Regulator2006 jeffBBalmar part number MC-624-LN
Power Tech GeneratorVoltage Regulator2005 283Basler electric AVC63-4
Power Tech GeneratorVoltage Regulator2005 283Baker knock of the Basler for spare
Caterpillar EngineAlternator replace2006 JeffB• Leece-Neville 1277A640 high output alternator 155 AMPS internal voltage regulator inside alternator
Caterpillar EngineAlternator replace2006 JeffBLeece-Neville AC172RA301A high output alternator 140 AMPS internal voltage regulator inside alternator
Caterpillar EngineAlternator replace2006 456Prestolite 1277A640 155 amp type AC172TRA
Fresh WaterWater Pump2005 28355AquaJet ARV 12Volt dc amazon prime $209. 12-2020 no rebuild parts
InteriorSeat Message2006 460RELAXOR ROAD COMFORT IN-SEAT MASSAGE KIT-8 MOTOR #RC64H #890-043 *S63
Caterpillar EngineAlternator replacement2006 460Alternator, 140A internal regulator, Prestolite/Leece-Neville part #1277830
Caterpillar Enginecooling fan bladeReidhorton fan blade #991813203 32in dia 2in pilot with 3.5in bolt circle cw rotation
Caterpillar Engineradiator isolator mountsReidBarry #22002-13 rated @ 240lb ea the original mounts were Barry #22002-11 rated @ 130lb ea they were completely worn out, if your looking for something in between Barry #22002-12 are 174lb ea.
Caterpillar Coolingcoolant level switches2006 464cooper standard mini tek 086714A001 found on ebay for $30. 01-21 trying to correct a "coolant level circuit is faulty"l
Air ConditionerDuo Therm2006Model 630516.331 Product 991760410 1500 btu with heat pump
Body2005Note right and left are different .Hella 4460 Series Rear Combination Lamp, SAE
HL95240 - With Amber Turn Signal. - H24986001
HL95242 - With White Reverse Lamp - H24986011
Air Brakespark brake switch2006rossmiddle switch is bendix 228750 different then outer two roundbelow dash; knee height ;white with two other switches that are round
Axle SuspensionFront Air bag2009 CAAplus Coach Parts number 624319680 Remarks on Invoice 1ZW205F20396968283A PLUS COACH PART41Brooklyn NY 11385 Website ask for Barry
Axle SuspensionFront Air Bag2006 460#W01-095-0190 or 624319680 from ABC Bus .
Axle SuspensionTag Axle Air bag2006 460#W01-358-8738
awningremote battery2005 gregcr2430 3 volt dc
Fan DrivePressure Valve2005 GregEaton 566642 DPS2-16-R-F-0-40on bottom of alum block that holds the fan control solenoid I think it compensates for rpm to fan speed. motion industries part number 00426537 abt $80.
Fan DriveFan Motor2005Greg500ad00010a Eaton custom end plate
Fan DriveControl Valve2005 Greg
GeneratorE fan start capacitor2006 4605uf MFD 370/440V
Air Conditionerfan motor Run Capacitor2006 46055/5 MFD 370/440VPenquinII
slideSlide Room Motor2005 gregMotion Systems Corp Part 73464 Motor number PV26016R24volt 3000rpm
BodyEngine lift gate shock
AirAir water SeperatorJohnNorgren water regulator rebuild kit #5298-10
GeneratorRadiator Fan Capacitora 5 uf MFD 370/440V unit
SlideSlide SealSlide Seal- made by CleanSeal, their website is www.cleanseal.comThe part number is ZG 7058.
Waterfill valve SporlanSporlan Valve is a BR184P1Sporlan valve solenoid is an MKC-1 coil assembly
BodyEngine Hatch Liftmanufacturer: Stabilus, part #1658EX supplier not trusted
SuspensionShocks frontTomKoni . 9044-1005 2-of
SuspensionShocks driveTomKoni 8844 - 1006
SuspensionShocks tagTomKoni . 8844 - 1007 (discontinued)
Caterpillar EngineBelt PullyDavid M207-8118 Idler as F$95 at cat -One of
Caterpillar EngineBelt PullyDavid M197-9642 Pully as I$159ae at cat - two of
Caterpillar EngineBelt PullyDavid M244-9775 Pulley as$220ea at cat - three of
Caterpillar EngineBelt PullyDavid M211-7895 Tensioner$309 at cat- one of- note the two must be different
Caterpillar EngineBelt PullyDavid M250-6907 tensioner$282 at cat- one of -note the two must be different
BodyEngine Door Shock784Engine hatch lift support- manufacturer: Stabilus, part #1658EX
watersporlan valve784Sporlan Valve is a BR184P1
watersporlan rebuild784Sporlan valve rebuild kit is a KS-BR18, item #381197
watersporlan solenoid784Sporlan valve solenoid is an MKC-1 coil assembly
slide seal784The part number is ZG 7058lide Seal- made by CleanSeal, their website is
slidebearing grease linearTHK AFB-LF GreaseAFB-LF Grease is a general-purpose grease that provides excellent extreme pressure performance and mechanical stability properties through the use of a refined mineral oil base oil and a lithium- based consistency enhancer.
slideslide linear bearing truckTHK SHS55LC1SS linear bearing block
suspensionfront bag784front air bag #W01-095-0190
suspensiontag axle bag784Tag air bag part #W01-358-8738
waterpressure regulator784Norgren water regulator rebuild kit #5298-10
ShowerMixer Valve gutsPete Sms5at-c , 490-7045 or Mixet product 414006
ShowerMixer alternativeRich&JoEllen KOHLER TS397-4-PB Devonshire(R) Rite-Temp(R)
Caterpillar EngineCrank case breather2005Part number is 290-8568 for a KCB 2005
suspensionshock frontkoni front. 9044-1005
suspensionshock drivekoni drive. 8844 - 1006
suspensionshock tagkoni tag. 8844 - 1007 discontinued
heaterwebasto spray nozzle2006Webasto part # is 470716 It is a .65gph x 80° solid spray. I believe there is a newer part number (1319534A)
heaterwebasto thermo spray nozzle2006Delavan .65gph 80° SOLID NOZZLE ASIN B000VKOEUQ
AwningZipdee cast end capZip Dee Awning Cast Head, part #210430
Caterpillar Enginefuel filter plastic cup 2006napa Part #: FIL 600137 $95.00 no port for heaterfits napa 3774 tall filter
Caterpillar Enginefuel filter2006fits racor Napa 3774 $85.00 check cups for leaks this fits napa fil 600137